Welcome back! Our Scouting alumni constitute an integral part of our strength as a council. By returning to or remaining involved in the Scouting program, you lead as an example to our youth, our future leaders. We want your help, so please find ways to connect and join us for upcoming events to fellowship and socialize with fellow alumni.
Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Alumni Association
The Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Alumni Association (MAA) serves to foster opportunities for Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan alumni campers, leaders, staff, families, and friends to remain connected to each other and to the life-changing experience of Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation. Our vision is to create a social mechanism through which all alumni may serve and support Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation to ensure that its quality and impact will be enhanced and sustained for future generations. If you would like to check out Smoke Signals, our newsletter, please visit the MAA Website.
National Eagle Scout Association
The National Eagle Scout Association serves as a network for Eagle Scouts, many of whom are now in positions of responsibility and prominence in industry, government, military, business, and education. Eagles’ Call, the official publication of the National Eagle Scout Association, will be sent to you with articles of interest detailing the latest developments in Scouting and the achievements of Eagle Scouts. Remember, once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout! To get involved with the NEIC’s NESA Committee, contact Rob Sinda, Assistant Scout Executive.