Support Scouting
Why support Scouting?
Scouting is more relevant to today’s youth than ever before. In the changing climate of our world, we need young leaders now more than ever. Scouting gives youth tools for today to transform them into leaders for tomorrow. Supporting Scouting allows us to continue offering affordable programs, improving properties, and most importantly, ensuring that any child in our service area can become a Scout regardless of circumstances.
How we are Funded
We deliver life-changing programs through your direct contributions in our annual Investing in Tomorrow’s Leaders campaign, foundation grants, Popcorn Sale, special events, gifts in kind (donation of equipment/supplies), investment income, trust funds, bequests, and matching gifts.
Ways to Give
Special Events
We host several special events each year to support our Scouting programs and to celebrate individuals who make great contributions to Scouting. Click below to learn more about our special events and see what events are coming up.
Rebuild Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan
Endowment Funds
Contributing to Northeast Illinois Council Endowment Funds is one of the best ways to ensure that we can continue offering outstanding programs while growing to meet the needs of the youth and communities we serve. Contributions to any of the NEIC’s Endowment Funds are invested with the other and permanently restricted. The annual earnings of the gifts will be used for the fund’s intended purpose while leaving the gifts intact to generate funds for the future. If you have questions or wish to discuss planned giving, please contact Nick Roberts.
Matching Gifts & Grants
Memorials & Tributes
Memorials and tribute contributions are generally gifts to the Northeast Illinois Council Endowment Fund, although they can be designated to scholarships, uniform assistance, and support for other passions in relation to their Scouting experience. Memorials are a gratifying way to remember or honor departed friends and family members who had a connection to Scouting. Your gift will be acknowledged and handled with great care. Tributes are suitable for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays. If you would like to make a memorial or tribute gift, please contact Nick Roberts.